Guy's blog 2010

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Thursday, February 03, 2005

Grandes Rousses Traverse, Alpe d'Huez

Steve and I do a classic ski mountaineering route with Olivier Laborie, high mountain guide from near Briancon. This is likely to be one of THE days of this winter. I first met Olivier in 1993, and have the highest regard for his mountain skills and the style in which he leads people in these tough environments. We are the first people this year to do this tough route (we climb for 100 minutes at altitude using skins; and traverse five glaciers during the day: Grand Sablat, Malatres, Quirlies, Sorlin and Nord de la Barbarate); using skins, rope and crampons we cover amazing glacial terrain, couloirs and a beautiful final ski descent arriving home at 6pm after sunset.
Leaving the marked ski areaClimbing up from Grand SablatClimbing up the Quirlies glacier to a colCol de la Barbarate

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Alpe d'Huez: L'Agnelin

No pictures of this one, but a classic route through the couloir Agnelin off the Rousses, with a variation down to Oz station. I got such a buzz doing this, skiing in mountain wilderness alone.



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